Ddp yoga now windows 10
Ddp yoga now windows 10

And to top it all off our scale is broke. I did manage to get a friend to loan me the DDP yoga set, still need to get some mats and either locate a copy of the poster or print one off. But due to us both being under the weather we decided it was not the best of ideas. The plan for today was to get the videos we needed, take some before and after shots (along with a pic of our scales) and start in on day one of our experience. I woke up with such a bad sinus infection and a tooth ache I had to take the day off work and Tammy also woke up not feeling well. Well today was not a very good start for the first day. Mind you most of the 30 minutes was watching DDP and his team demonstrate the moves. My BPM before I started was 72 BPM I peaked at 120 BPM with this 30 minute routine. Mine was more like a whole body earth quake. If done right you will know it because your body with shake. Thats right 3!!!!!!! He uses " Dynamic Resistance ", this is where you do not use any weights but use your own body as resistance. One of the moves was a push up (DDP style and the name escapes me at the moment) but I BARELY did 3. Mind you its not like a regular work out where you do "5 sets of 10". I did The Dirty Dozen last night and these 13 techniques, thats right 13 DDP cant count, whipped my butt. Most people when the think of Yoga they think of just stretching and meditating, or at least that is what I thought.

#Ddp yoga now windows 10 keygen#

ddp yoga now windows 10

I will say this, the banner at the top says it all. I just had to try it out to see what the DDP Yoga is all about. Tammy has not been feeling well so we are giving her a couple days to recover before we officially begin. Today started out the experience as a solo run. This is my life and my body and I'm taking charge of it. Mainly, I'm sick of looking in the mirror and absolutely HATING what I see.

ddp yoga now windows 10

I am sick of having to tell my daughters "I just don't feel up to it today." when they want to do something. I am sick of not having any energy or feeling like doing anything. Totally committed to doing this! I am sick of looking and feeling way older than I am. Not only do I feel better (still sick though) but I don't have that guilty feeling and the "I skipped it this time, I can skip it next time." attitude I know I would have had. But, I set a fitness goal this week to not miss a single work out and I pushed myself to do it. Picked Kenneth up from work, came home and made dinner (cranberry chicken and long grain and wild rice with veggies if you're wondering).Īfter that, I just wasn't feeling the whole work out, get healthy thing.

ddp yoga now windows 10

Came home, felt sorry for myself because I didn't feel good and just seemed like a totally crappy day.Īfter a few hours I hauled about five loads of laundry to the laundromat and took care of that. Woke up sick, then the truck ran out of gas, had to walk down and help Kenneth get it off the road, wait for someone to bring us some gas, then take him to work.

Ddp yoga now windows 10